When: 4 p.m. | Sunday, Sept. 27
Where: Immaculate Conception
RSVP: icoffice@iccols.org
Help us celebrate Fr. Matt Hoover’s 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the holy priesthood.
On Sunday, Sept. 27, we will officially celebrate his anniversary with a Mass at 4 p.m. followed by a small reception in Marian Hall. Fr. Matt asks only for your prayers for him, and prayers for vocations to the priesthood. Masks and social distancing are required. Please RSVP to icoffice@iccols.org or by calling the parish office at (614) 267-9241 if you plan to attend. Space will be limited.
Drive-thru Reception
In addition, Fr. Matt will hold a drive-thru “reception” on that Sunday following the 11 a.m. Mass at approximately 12 p.m. Drive through the IC lot towards the Grotto exit, and Fr. Matt will greet you with a gift of ice cream, one of his favorite foods!