United in Faith & Tradition. Building for the future.
Dear Friends,
Immaculate Conception Parish has been a vital thread in the fabric of the Clintonville community for over a century. Since becoming pastor in 2013, I have been blessed to witness the deep spiritual commitment of the parish families while bringing forth some changes that, I feel, have enhanced our communal and religious growth. The addition of parish ministries and adult faith formation programs has made great strides in opening the hearts and minds of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
With 100 years behind us and, God-willing, another 100+ ahead of us, we are at a crossroads that will impact our parish for years to come. The last few years have been a time of extensive research and reflection to determine the needs and possible solutions best-suited for our parish. A team of professionals, volunteers, staff and I have pored over floorplans, feasibility studies and more to arrive at, what we feel, are the answers to the identified needs. In short, we have a plan.
You have shown your commitment to IC time and again with your loyalty and financial support. At this time, I am asking you to make an even greater commitment to our parish – to YOUR parish – with a gift to this revitalization and building campaign. The proposed project is not just about buildings but, rather, the people of IC. By meeting parishioner needs, we will continue to grow and prosper as a parish family and, thus, better serve the Lord.
I sincerely appreciate your prayerful consideration of support for this effort and the future of IC. May God bless you today and forevermore.
In Christ,
Father Matthew Hoover
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