Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214

News & Events

NFP Awareness Week promotes self-knowledge | July 25-31

National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, July 25-31, provides an opportunity to spread the word about Catholic teaching on marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood and to promote Natural Family Planning (NFP). NFP refers to modern, science-based methods that teach couples how to observe and interpret the wife’s signs of fertility and infertility. NFP represents

NFP Awareness Week promotes self-knowledge | July 25-31 Read More »

Legacy Family Sponsor: McGee Family

Family Name: McGeeFamily members names: Mark, Amanda, Riley & GrantParishioner’s since: Members since 2004.Attended I.C. school and years: Riley (2010-2019); Grant (2013–Present)Additional thoughts about your I.C. community and experience:We love being apart of the IC Parish community and school. We are thankful for all the friends we have made and experiences we have had through

Legacy Family Sponsor: McGee Family Read More »