Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214


Matt Stratton

My family and I joined IC parish in 2017 after moving from Colorado. I entered the church in 2007 through RCIA and have been an RCIA sponsor at IC. My children are enrolled in the family faith program for catholic formation (FFP, formerly PSR). Kelly (Burkhart), My wife, was raised in IC parish, attended IC […]

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Jim Emley

Baptized as an infant at St Joseph’s Parish in Camp Springs Kentucky.  After 22 relocations over the northern great plains states, I retired in Ohio to be close to three of my four daughters and seven (of 9) grandchildren.  Clintonville is now my longest residency, the runner-up being 9 years in Clinton Iowa for part

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