Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214


Farewell Deacon Ondrey

Dear friends, Though I dread farewells, I wish to thank Fr. Hoover, Fr. Frecker, Dcn. Campbell, the staff and the parish for welcoming and granting me multiple learning opportunities during my summer here at IC.  From developing life skills such as cooking to performing the various Sacraments and ministries, these experiences have strengthened me as

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National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week: July 19-25

Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is a national educational campaign, which runs from July 19-25. The dates of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood.  The dates also mark the feast of Saints Joachim and

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