Immaculate Conception Church


Leading People to Jesus Through Worship, Community, Service, and Devotion to Mary

414 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214

The Appeal

To make a gift or pledge today, please visit:

Our Diocese has set ambitious goals to support Evangelization, Vocations, Catholic Schools, and Social Concerns through the 2024 Appeal. You may have received a brochure from Bishop Earl Fernandes that outlines the impact of The Appeal on the needs of our Diocese. This year’s Appeal theme, “Respond to His Love,” calls us to action in response to the limitless love, compassion, and generosity of our Lord.

Not only is your support vital to achieving these diocesan efforts, but it will greatly benefit Immaculate Conception as well! This year, we are asking for a total pledge of $294,313. This is $125,000 over our parish’s given goal for The Appeal which is $169,313. The Appeal is the only fundraising effort in the parish that is exempt from the 8% Diocesan tax. This means every dollar raised over our parish’s given goal for The Appeal will be returned to us tax-free. Our Finance Council has advised that this is an ideal time to raise needed funds for the continued upkeep of our 100-year-old campus. These additional contributions will be added to last year’s refund to help us towards the School’s “dungeon bathroom” project. We would love to complete this project in honor of our 100th graduating class from IC School.

Please join me in praying for the success of The Appeal 2024. I ask you to participate to the best of your ability. I am confident that with everyone’s participation, our parish can meet the challenges of today and exceed our goal, ultimately benefiting essential diocesan ministries as well as the needs of our own parish.