Music Ministry
Immaculate Conception Music Ministry is comprised of parishioners of all ages and skill levels who offer their time and talent to enhance the worship experience. Music is an integral part of every weekend Mass celebrated at the parish and a variety of musical styles, from traditional to contemporary, is incorporated into the celebration of Mass.
To get involved in any of the choirs or ensembles, please email our music director, Adam Fehrenbach at: musicdirector@iccols.org
Existing cantors, please sign up for weekend music ministry though this link: Music Ministry: Weekend Music Ministry
For those interested in becoming a cantor, contact our music director, Adam Fehrenbach.

Adult Choir
The adult choir sings at the Sunday 11 a.m. Mass from September through May, as well as the Saturday 4 p.m. Mass during Lent. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Church.
Resurrection (Funeral) Choir
The Resurrection Choir serves the parish by singing at parish funerals. Individuals who have some flexibility with their daytime (especially morning) schedules and enjoy singing, but are unable to make a full commitment to one of our Sunday choirs, are perfect for this group.
School Children's Ensemble
This ensemble is comprised of Immaculate Conception students in grades 3 through 6. Students sing for the majority of the Wednesday morning all-school Masses throughout the school year at the First Communion Masses in the Spring. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday and Friday during half of the students’ lunch break.
Cantors are needed for all Masses throughout the year and play an important leadership role in our worship by proclaiming the Word in the sung Psalm and Gospel Acclamation. Cantors must be flexible to lead different Masses, have the capacity to learn new music fairly quickly, be confident singers and have a prayerful presence.
Seasonal Choirs
The Christmas Choir sings at the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Masses. Rehearsals begin in October and continue through Advent
Holy Week
The Holy Week Choir sings at the Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday Masses. Rehearsals take place throughout the Lenten season.