Parish & Community
Sick and Shut-in Ministry
Sick and shut-in members of the parish are visited regularly by the pastor and other parish members. If you or a member of your family is experiencing an extended illness at home or at the hospital, we ask that you contact Peggy O’Donovan via podonovan@iccols.org or 614-267-9241.
Home Visitors Ministry
Sick and shut-in parishioners are visited by other parish members. The shut-ins receive Holy Communion, a parish bulletin, and a friendly visit. Contact Peggy O’Donovan via podonovan@iccols.org or 614-267-9241.

Prayer Ministry
This ministry is dedicated to praying for and supporting members of our parish, and their families, who have physical, emotional or other special needs. Members of this ministry should have a commitment to daily prayer for the prayer request which are received by the ministry coordinator. If you are willing to participate in this special ministry, or have a prayer request, contact Peggy O’Donovan at: podonovan@iccols.org or call the Parish Office at (614) 267-9241 ext. 606.
Sacristan Ministry
Sacristans maintain the altar and worship space and care for the vessels and vestments in preparation for the week-end liturgy and other special celebrations.
Immaculate Conception Women's Club
Since 1945, the Immaculate Conception Women’s Club has been serving our Church and community. The Women’s Club has many fun activities such as the potluck dinner, Lenten Evening of Reflection, May Rosary and Fellowship, and organize the dessert booth for the Parish Summer Festival. Service to parish includes weekly cleaning of the church, funeral luncheons, Blood Mobile, Christmas cookies and cards for shut-ins, hosting parish receptions and much more. All women of the parish are invited. Contact Paula Mong (614-302-7294) or Lugene Zych (614-371-0216).
Women's Bowling League
The women of IC participate in a bowling league that has been in existence over 45 years. They bowl on Tuesday mornings from 9:00AM until 12 Noon from September through April. Women of all ages are invited to join. Contact Pam Fay (614-840-0277) or the parish office.

Parish Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is appointed. They meet quarterly, or as needed, to assist with financial aspects of our parish. The committee assist in the budgeting planning, reviews parish and school income and expenses, and assists in all major financial decisions. Committee members serve a three year term.
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee meets periodically to plan activities which promote a warm and welcoming spirit in our parish. Some of their activities include Hospitality Sunday and Newcomers Potluck. New members are welcome. If you would like to serve on this committee, call the parish office.
Parish Festival
The largest money raising and social event of the year. This is a two-day event held each year at the end of July. The Festival includes games for adults and children, free entertainment, lots of food, drink and fun. This event requires many workers and is a great opportunity to get to know other members of the parish. To volunteer or for more information, call the parish office, 614-267-9241.
Lenten Fish Fry
Mark your calendars for the Fridays of Lent (except Good Friday) and plan to attend our parish Fish Fry held in Marian Hall, 5-7:30 p.m. Our Fish Fry is open to the public but is a special time for our parish and community to gather for food and fellowship. The meal is great, the price is right and it’s lots of fun. It takes many helping hands to present this special event. If you would like to help with the “best fish fry in town.” For more information, contact John Bruzzese via 614-284.9226.