Parish Pastoral Council
NEWS UPDATE: New Parish Mission Statement
The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of leaders of the parish who assist the pastor in fulfilling the mission of the Church. The council serves as a “voice of the parishioners,” investigating, studying and discussing matters of concern, regarding the life of the parish. They then form practical responses to these matters and make recommendations to the pastor.
Each of the 9 voting Council members represent one of 3 Parish Commissions organized around the needs of the parish: Faith Formation & Spiritual Life, Parish & Community Life, and Social Concerns. Parish Commissions serve as the conduit of ideas and concerns brought to Council and are open to all registered parishioners.
The Immaculate Conception Parish Commissions and Council meet on the second Wednesday of each month except January, July, and August. (Dates may change if there is a conflict with Holy Days of Obligation or Holy Week). Commissions Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Council Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. All parishioners are invited to attend the Commission meetings to learn more about the various ministries at IC and how they can get involved.
To contact the Parish Council, please email
Intro Document to Parish Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council Proposal Packet
Parish Pastoral Council Minutes
Standing Members
Our Parish Council Members are: