Faith Formation
Faith formation helps us grow in our relationship with God and live as His disciples. To be a disciple is to continue to learn and grow in the person Jesus has called us. Faith formation requires a genuine and active commitment to our faith.
Immaculate Conception Parish currently offers many programs for adult and youth faith formation, including group and personal study opportunities.
Baptism Preparation Class
First-time parents are asked to attend a Baptism preparation class before scheduling their child’s baptism, which are held by appointment. Baptisms are typically scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month after the 11 a.m. Mass, and on the 2nd Saturday of the month after the 4 p.m. Mass, if the schedule allows. For additional information, contact the Parish Office at icoffice@iccols.org or (614)267-9241.
Adult Confirmation
Practicing adult Catholics who have not been confirmed are encouraged to renew their baptismal promises and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Several classes are held to prepare the Confirmandi to receive this sacrament celebrated with the Bishop in the fall. For more information, contact Evangelization and Faith Formation Coordinator Mary Ann Rivera at (614)267-9241 or marivera@iccols.org.

Immaculate Conception has partnered with FORMED, a revolutionary online platform, to offer our parishioners access to the best Catholic audio talks, movies, eBooks and video-based studies from trusted providers like Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, Catholic Answers, Sophia Institute Press, St. Paul Center and more. For instructions on how to access our parish’s free subscription, click here.
Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.)
The R.C.I.A. is the process through which persons inquire into and determine if they are called to live out their faith life as a member of the Roman Catholic community. R.C.I.A. is open to any adult who wishes to learn more about the Catholic faith, including those interested in becoming members of the Catholic Church. Meeting times are Tuesday evenings from 7 – 9 p.m. Adult Catholic parishioners are needed in a variety of volunteer capacities such as: companion sponsors to a candidate or catechumen, R.C.I.A. Team members, and Catechists. Contact Mary Ann Rivera at marivera@iccols.org or at the parish office (614)267-9241.

TMIY (That Man is You)
TMIY program’s content, which integrates modern science with authentically Catholic teaching, helps men better understand themselves, their wives and marriages, and their unique role in their family and society. Throughout the course of the intellectual and spiritual formation program, attendees will explore the teachings of Pope John Paul II, contemporary medical and social science research, contemplative insights of the saints and more. The content is designed with the purpose of equipping men with the tools they need to lead a life that is boldly counter to popular Western culture, but wholly united with the truth.
For more information, call Tom Rogers via tom4948@sbcglobal.net and Pete Eichel via eichelpete@gmail.com.