St Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic lay service organization that has directed its attention to works of charity for the past 170 years. Members, known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Inspired by Gospel values, and in the tradition of its founder Blessed Frédéric Ozanam and patron St. Vincent de Paul, the Vincentian mission is to foster spiritual growth by performing corporeal works of mercy.
The St Vincent de Paul Conference at Immaculate Conception serves thousands of persons each year by delivering food to home bound neighbors, preparing and serving food at homeless shelters and community kitchens, collecting, organizing, and providing clothing to neighbors, assuring financial access to prescription drugs, assisting with utility shut offs, suppressing rental evictions, overcoming transportation needs and vehicle breakdowns and always seeking to find and serve the poor and marginalized in our area. The conference gathers twice a month, first in an assigned room of the rectory basement following the 8:30 A.M. Mass on the second Monday of each month. And at 6 P.M. on the fourth Monday of each month to assemble sandwiches in Marian Hall kitchen for delivery to a community kitchen. Immediately following the sandwich session, the second conference monthly meeting is held in an assigned Room in the Rectory basement.
Other events are posted in the bulletin from time to time. Volunteers and prospective new members are always welcome and may attend any of these meetings or events. Confirmation of the exact location of a meeting or event and questions about volunteering or membership should be addressed to
- Conference President: Jim Emley emleyj@msn.com 608-239-5280
- Parish office icoffice@iccols.org 614-267-9241
Additional information about St. Vincent de Paul Society: www.svdpusa.org and www.vincentianvoice.org/confrences/ic.html
Catholic Social Action Theme served: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable